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HEUER stopwatch identification

You have just found a beautiful HEUER stopwatch in a drawer or an old chest and would like to have more information about it ? When was it made ? What is its reference number ?

First you can resquest some help, using the contact form : here. It will be a pleasure to have a discussion about your stopwatch. By sending a message, an access to the dedicated forum will be send to you.

You can also make your own search on Internet. Looking for informations about your treasure, is an exciting adventure ! However it could be quite discouraging when you do not know how and where to start.

HEUER vintage official catalogs are the documents you need. They will be your map, your compass. You can find them mainly on which kindly gives access to scans. Few ones are from archives. It’s a first step but reviewing each one from the olders (30’s) to most recents (late 80’s) is a hard work. Let us be your guide ! The following survey should drive you to the catalogs for which the chance that your stopwatch is listed in is the greatest. (Note that this survey is always progressing. It will be more and more accurate).

Start your HEUER stopwatch identication here !

It’s a step by step survey which makes your HEUER stopwatch identification easier. Each step has a question ; if you can answer yes, browse the indicated onthedash catalogs where you should find your timer, else, go to the question of the next step.

STEP 1 – Is your stopwatch branded Tag-HEUER ?

— YES —
It’s a neo-vintage stopwatch, produced after 1985. Sometimes HEUER stopwatches are packaged in a Tag HEUER box, which means they were probably manufactured just before the compagny changed its name.
Look at these catalogs :
Note that 1986 catalogs are the first branded Tag HEUER, however visuals were not still updated at this time, so the timers are still showed with the HEUER logo.

— NO —
Go to step 2


STEP 2 – Does your stopwatch have a digital screen ?

It’s a quartz/electronical stopwatch. As an electrical engineer Jack Heuer has a big interest in this technologies he started developping during the 50’s. A prototype was introduced in 1952 at Bale and the centigraph, first 1/1000em accuracy stopwatch in the world, was released in 1965. However quartz stopwatches were massively marketed in the 70’s under the microsplit name.
Look at these catalogs :
1974 197619771978 197819811981198619891990

— NO —
Go to step 3


STEP 3 – Does your stopwatch have hands ?

It’s probably a mecanical model, but HEUER also produced few electrical/electronical models with hands. Keep doing your inverstigation by answering the step 3-1 question.


STEP 3-1 – Is quartz written on the dial ?

You have a very rare specimen. There are maybe very few references, they were marketed first part of the 80’s.
Look at these catalogs : 1981

Go to step 3-2


STEP 3-2 Does it look like a formula one driver helmet ?

The sought-after electrical helmet clocks were produced in the late 70’s.
Look at these catalogs : 1977 1978

From this point, you are sure your timer is a mecanical model.
Keep investigating in step 4.


STEP 4 – Does your stopwatch have one of this following mention written on a large black dial ? autovia / super-autovia / monte-carlo / 8 days / sebring / ifr

It’s a device made for racing drivers or aircraft pilots. A grail for all collectors. They are all black, with large hands, legible black dial, big commands and a chunky case. They could be easily fixed on the dashboard. They often come mounted on their helder.
They were produced all along the last century, so it’s not always easy to determine their production date.
You should find in all HEUER catalogs. Don’t hesitate to send a message (here) to get more information. This survey will be improved to make dashboard timer researches easier and quicker.

Look at these catalogs : 1936193819401942194519461949 19571957195819591959 196019601961196219631963 19641966196919711972 19721974 197619771978 19781981 1986

Go to step 5


STEP 5 – Does your stopwatch have a strap ?

You have a wriststopwatch, enjoyed by a lot of enthusiasts…
Go to the step 5 -1

Go to step 6


STEP 5-1 – Does it have a plastic case ?

That’s a 70’s or 80’s wriststopwatch. The 70’s models have a very thick case while (like the supersport on the right picture) the 80’s one is thinner and black (like the soccer referee of the 2 first pictures).
Look at these catalogs : 1974 1976 19771978 198119831986

Go to step 5 -2


STEP 5-2 – Can you read “game-master” or “military” ?

Stopwatch HEUER military --- credit igloe
credit igloe

Nice you have one of the first specimens of HEUER wriststopwatches. They were mostly made in the 60’s.
Look at these catalogs : 19601961196219631964196619691971

— NO —
Go to step 5-3


STEP 5-3 – Does it have a big round crown with a thin strap

The ancestor of wriststopwatch. Very rare. They almost look like a hand held timer with a strap.
Look at these catalogs : 195719581961196219631964

Go to step 5-4


STEP 5-4 – Can you read “yackt timer” on a segmented colorfull dial ?

Yacktimer timers have one of the coolest dial of all models ever. It helps skipper to start a boat race.
Look at these catalogs : 1969 1972 1972

Go to step 6


STEP 6 – Does your stopwatch have a high-colorful plastic case ?

You have a popular economical stopwatch with pinlever movement. It’s a perfect timer for amateurs or training session. HEUER addicts envoy particulary the roadmaster dashboard model.
Look at these catalogs : 197219731974 19771978 19781981

Go to step 7


STEP 7 – Can you read trackstar, supertrack, trackmaster, trackmate, clubmate on the dial ?

These references were produced in the last part of the 70’s and the 80’s. They are also economical pinlever stopwatches, with, except the clubmate, a metalic case. Some have 1 jewel, other have 7 jewels.
Look at these catalogs : 19771978 19781981

Go to step 8


STEP 8 – Does your stopwatch have a black fiber-glass case ?

Easy to recognize with their chunky case. They can resist water and have a large dial. Fiber-glass is a high resistant plastic. They all are appreciated by enthusiasts, mostly the specific prurpose ones like the rowing or the filmaster. HEUER produced these models all over the 70’s and 80’s.
Look at these catalogs : 197219731974 197619771978 1978 1981 19831986

Go to step 9


STEP 9 – Does it have a cylindric crown ?

The production of your model started from the very early 70’s.
Look at these catalogs : 1969 1970 – 1971 – 1972 – 1972 – 1973 – 1974 – 1976 – 1977 – 1978 1978 – 1981

Note it sometimes happens cylindric crown stopwatches are listed in late 60’s catalogs with a round crown. So if you don’t find your stopwatch in the 1970-1980 catalogs have also a look at these ones : 1966

Go to step 10


STEP 10 – Does it have a black anodised case and two color (red and black) dial ?

–YES–This a century line timer, produced from the early 60’s to improve dial legibility.
Go to step 10-1

Go to step 11


STEP 10-1 – Is the box or the warranty booklet or the caliber have any mentions of HEUER-Leonidas ?

Your stopwatch was manufactured after 1964. Look here :
Look at these catalogs : 1964 1966 1969 197019711972197219731974 197619771978 19781981

If you can open the case, it happens the caliber is brander Ed.HEUER.
Look at these catalogs : 1960 1961 1962 1963


STEP 11- Your stopwatch is probably an old style one !

Made before 1960. It should a have a shiny metalic case, a round crown and a very white dial.

Some have a small, or a triangular shaped crown.

The historical mikrograph and semi-mikrograph have large yellow commands. The hands are thin . Mikrograph and semimikrograph is printed on the dial. These models were the most accurate at their time and highly contribute to make HEUER such an historical time-keeping devices manufacturer.

Note that except that the mikrograph and semi-mikrograph, few models were still sold after 1960, but there is a greater chance you seek your precious stopwatch in 1930 to 1950 catalogs. If HEUER logo is small or the dial is not branded, start your search in the 30’s and 40’s catalogs.
Look at these catalogs : 1936193819401942194519461949 1957195719581959

If you don’t find your stopwatch anyway feel free to send a message : here)