Home Forums HEUER stopwatch information requests Identifying and value of my stopwatch ⏱️

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Identifying and value of my stopwatch ⏱️

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  • #6063

    hi there. I believe this old stopwatch of mine is a late 50s ref.571 but unsure and can’t find exact match’s or references online. Was hoping to father more concrete information regarding the stopwatch. Anything would be helpful. Thank you so much!

    ikonic stopwatch

    Dear Ari,

    Thanks for your message. You’re right it’s a ref. 571, probably from the 50’s. You can find the exact model with the same dial in the 1957 catalog (see onthedash scan).

    To have an idea of the value, you can read the dedicated page : here. Probably, in perfect working condition, it would be priced between €500 and €1000 on the Ikonic Stopwatch eshop.

    Best regards


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