Home Forums HEUER stopwatch information requests Heuer Trackstar stopwatch

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Heuer Trackstar stopwatch

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  • #5171

    Hi, I have a Heuer Trackstar stopwatch (c 1980). However going through your awesome key, I haven’t found an exact match and so would like your help. Hope you can help!


    Dear Derek,

    Thanks for your message.

    Have not found the exact reference. It happens a stopwatch is not in the online catalogs. However, have found a trackstar with same dial but with one lateral pusher. Its reference is 602.602 and it’s a 602.302 variation. So yours could be the same kind of variation of the one command timer 603.302. The reference could be 603.602 but it is just a supposition.

    Here is the link to the page : https://ikonicstopwatch.com/heuer-leonidas-1978-vintage-catalog-french-edition-iiu-33/

    Can not give you more information about the “smith” one. Maybe a rebranded trackstar…

    Best regards


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