Home Forums HEUER stopwatch information requests 60s Stopwatch Identification

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60s Stopwatch Identification

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  • #4002
    Lawrence L


    Please could you help me identify this Heuer Stopwatch. I believe it be a 1960s model. Please take a look at my pictures. It has Ed Heuer & Co under the flap. It has a serial number of 263581.

    Can you help please? Thank you.


    Dear Lawrence,

    Thanks for your message on the forum. “Ed Heuer & co” is engraved on stopwatches manufactured before 1964.
    If you don’t find the exact model using this page, could you upload pictures of your timer. There is an upload attachment button, just below (note maximum image size is 512 kb).

    Best regards

    Lawrence L

    My upload did not work. I hope these are ok.

    Lawrence L

    Dear Lawrence,

    Thanks for your pictures.

    Similar stopwatch has not been found in vintage catalogs (it sometimes happens).

    At first look, the closest ref. is the “902 S” found in 50’s/60’s catalogs.
    However crown, case, slide pusher and logo style look to be 40’s. The 902 S is not in 40’s and older catalogs but a version with no slide pusher and a similar crown is (ref. 962). It’s possible a slide pusher version already exists at this time but is not shown in commercials used for the search. Another clue leading to this idea is an additional handrwitting text ,in a 1936 catalog,  mentionning an optional stop for the ref. 962. So your stopwatch could be a ref. 962 with this option.

    Here are the documention used (from onthedash.com website) :
    – ref. 902s from a 1957 catalog (picture source onthedash.com),

    – ref. 962 from a 1942 catalog (picture source onthedash.com),

    – a slide pusher stopwatch from 1942 catalog (picture source onthedash.com),

    – possible stop option for a ref. 902 on a  1936 catalog (picture source onthedash.com).

    Best regards

    Lawrence L

    That’s a great help thank you.

    The font of the numbers don’t seem to be as old as the 30s and 40s style shown. So maybe it is 50s.

    Lawrence L

    Also, would this have been used in motorsports? What would 30 second timers be used for versus 60 second ones.

    How easy is it to find the specific or similar Heuer box. Would they have been purchased in a case originally?

    Thank you so much for your help!


    Dear Lawrence,

    Thanks for your positive feedback.

    – Probably 40’s/50’s stopwatch.

    – Your father stopwatch is a general purpose time. It could have been used for motorsport. If you are looking for a specific motorsport stopwatch, dashboard models are the “must have” ( roadmaster, montecarlo, mastertime, autovia).

    – 30 second timers are 1/10th of second time unit while 60 seconds timers are 1/5th of second. They are more accurate.

    – You can find an original stopwatch HEUER box for  few dozens of euros on an online marketplate (try ebay). If one comes in the ikonicstopwatch eshop, you’ll be warned. For old vintage models, red one are the most suitable (like the one of this 60’s model).


    Lawrence L

    Thank you so much for your help. I have forded the info to my father-in-law who will read with great interest.


    Dear Lawrence,

    Glad you appreciate informations provided.
    Hope your father-in-law will enjoy it too.

    If all is okay for you, this topic will be closed.

    Best regards

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